Constantza Port gaining in significance in transport of goods from Serbia

Posted by Aleksandra Hristov on September 20th, 2012 under Events | No Comments »

Constantza Port Day was held 20 September 2012 in Novi Sad, this being its sixth edition in Serbia. It is the second year that this event is organized in Novi Sad. Last year’s success and the interest shown by the partners from this region determined the return of the event to the port on the Danube.

Over 200 representatives of the companies operating in transports and logistics in Serbia, local authorities, delegates from ports on the Danube came to Master Congress Center to meet the representatives of Constantza Port, being interested in business opportunities, in extending and consolidating the commercial relations. Already a tradition in Serbia, the event also captured the attention of businessmen from neighboring countries, such as Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, Hungary, Germany and Switzerland.

This event  was addressed by:
Nemanja Vukcevic, representative of the Novi Sad Local Council; Dragos Ispas,  The representative of the Romanian Embassy in Belgrade;  George Visan, commercial director of NC Maritime Ports Administration SA Constantza;  Daniel Georgescu, general manager of the Administration of Navigable Canals, Ivana Umeljic, deputy director of Uniqa insurance company  and  Manfried Seitz, General Secretary, Pro Danube International, Austria.

Ivana Umeljic, deputy director of Uniqa insurance company, stated: “It is a great pleasure for us that the company Uniqa backed and participated in the event Constantza Port Day in Novi Sad. Among the permanent activities of the Uniqa Transport Insurance Center are communication and cooperation with foreign trade companies, transport organizers, shipping agents and other participants in the traffic of goods in the reaffirmation of needs and importance of the insurance of goods in transport. Constantza Port Day was an excellent opportunity for us to introduce participants in the traffic of goods to the insurance of goods in transport as the only way to protect the interests of the owner of goods.”

The business relationships that were initiated and developed during the six editions of Constantza Port Day in Serbia show that this event is a very important support for building strong partnerships with concrete effects on the turnover of the Romanian and Serbian companies, many contracts being the result of the meetings facilitated by this event.

- I am very satisfied with the fact that this year’s event attracted even bigger number of companies than last year because that confirms a growing interest of businessmen in cooperation with Constantza Port. As in previous years, we now expect some concrete deals to be concluded between our port operators and partners from Serbia and the region – said Vladan Misic, representative of Constantza Port in Serbia.

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