Republika magazine celebrated it’s 20th year

Posted by Aleksandra Hristov on December 31st, 2007 under Events | No Comments »

In the middle of December of this year, one of the most prestigious magazines in Serbia “Republika” celebrated its 20th year in the “Center for cultural decontamination” in Belgrade. This would have been one of the usual magazine anniversaries, if it wasn’t a magazine that since its beginnings back in1987, in time of single mindedness, gathered intellectuals who had enough consciousness, and especially courage, to ask essential questions related to society, democracy, history, culture … For this orientation and persistence of “Republika” magazine, most of the credit is due to its editor in chief Nebojsa Popov, one of the greatest Serbian intellectuals, who has never given up on essential principles of democracy.
At the time when it was dangers and life threatening, in time of Slobodan Milosevic, by the way he wrote and edited “Republika”, he has shown that Serbia does have a chance to be society with European values. If we measure Serbian development by value of people gathered in “Republika” magazine (like Nebojsa), our country would definitely deserve to become part of Europe.

It was such an honor for me to be present at the celebration and personally congratulate Nebojsa Popov and people from “Republika” on it’s 20 years of persistent existence.

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